• It remains to answer the question: why is it so important to write “equally”?


     A large number of projects


    There can be several testers on one project: they need to understand each other's checks, otherwise they will spend extra time on additional communication.


    It also happens vice versa: one tester is on several projects at the same time. It can be difficult if checks are written according to the X structure on one project, and Y on the other. Switching between different structures will take time and effort: after all, you need to update old checks, write new ones...


    We are different


    Everyone has their own worldview, experience and vision of “how to do it right”: this makes us stronger, but gives us its own characteristics in work. Each of us speaks our own language. To successfully interact, you need to know one more thing - the general one.


    Developers have access to checks, they can preview the feature at the development stage: obvious bugs will not get into the build.


    Ability to quickly and conveniently modify checks


    Creativity in checks is needed at the same level as consistency. It should be possible to easily modify tests if the technical specification has changed and the logic of the feature has changed.


    It is also important to periodically change and expand the set of checks if a feature has been tested for a long time according to the same scenario. Let's not forget about the paradox of the pesticide: every method for preventing or finding an error leaves a part of the errors against which it is no longer effective. If you often pass the same tests, over time they will no longer find errors.


    These criteria prompted us to organize one common structure in order to write in the same way in the truest sense. But, what is important, it is the same only within the framework of the general structure: the freedom of “creativity” remains within each test.

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